Niels Groenveldt

I hear the roar of a big machine
Two worlds and in between....
-The Sisters of Mercy, Dominion/Mother Russia

Name: Niels Groenveldt
Name: Njall Rehw-Bidit
Alias: a handful of others, depending on who is talking
Age: Adult (Claims to be various ages depending on who is asking)
Race: Viera | Rava
Profession: Magitek Consultant | Profiteer
Outcasted from the Golmore Jungle at a younger age, Niels took the first opportunity for a different and better life, only to find it overwhelmingly lacking.Fortunately, an intrepid spirit with drive and ambition- and a few well placed connections and ability to get things - can go far in this wicked world, and he intends to do just that...

Gil, Guns, Girls : Niels keeps a home base in Ul'dah, in an office not far from the Sapphire Avenue Exchange. It gives him the discretion to attract and see clients.The city in the desert, built on gold, seems to suit his nature well. He arrived with plenty of coin and is always looking to increase that.Teknologic: Where someone from the isolated jungle gains a handle on 'tek - aquiring it, repairing it, even creating a piece or two - is anyone's guess, but in Niels' hands, magitek seems to sing like a harp does in a bard's.He has a particular lean to weapons and armaments and vehicles, but has been known to tinker with a peaceful application or two on occasion.The Man Who Sold The World: During the Garlean occupations i in the Near and Far East, Niels made a tidy living helping supply armaments to various Resistance cells - Dalmasca, Bozja, Nangxia and beyond.However, a nasty rumor follows this time: that he may have been also willing to buy and sell back to the Imperial detachments in the area as well. He's not telling either way, and the state of the local Legions and the capital mean it's unlikely the truth will become unobscured anytime soon.Fortunate Son: Niels doesn't readily disclose the community in the Golmore Jungle he left to live in the world. A rumor follows him to the few in the know - that he stood too close to an object or a person that carried a terrible curse, or that he survived a betrayal by standing just far enough away from it.Either way, he's been away from the Green Word from some time and doesn't appear that bothered by it.If you'd like to use this hook, let's talk about it!We Got To Get Out Of This Place (Dawntrail) - Ever hungry for new opportunity, Niels traveled to Tural to see about getting his fingers into the cereuleum boom in Shaaloani. He was last reported traveling to meet a business contact somewhere in Yyasulani.

Server: Balmung/Crystal
Timezone: EST
Thank you for your interest!I'm mostly just here to hang out casually, but do like talking about story and plot connections! If you are interested in making a connection, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.A disclaimer: this character is a smarmy little piece of shit. He's not a good person. He's got some real unfortunate character flaws that in no way reflect in what I as a player might believe or condone on an OOC level.